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What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

and what CRO means for your business

What is CRO?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the process of optimizing your website or landing page experience based on website visitor behavior to help improve the probability of the visitor taking desired actions (conversions) throughout the customer journey.

I offer a full digital marketing service, I am a CRO expert who can give your business a competitive advantage through CRO.

Benefits of Conversion Rate Optimisation to your business

  • CRO – Improves user experience
  • CRO – Personalizing experience for your site visitors
  • CRO – Better isights into your visitor behavior
  • CRO – Increase customer lifetime value
  • CRO – Improves marketing ROI
  • CRO – Lowers your cost per lead
  • CRO – Incremental Business Returns

  • CRO – Better revenue with the same traffic
  • CRO – Gain an SEO boost
  • CRO – For B2B/SaaS companies
  • CRO – For eCommerce companies

Benefits of conversion rate optimisation: Why is it important?

CRO enables you to optimise your website’s functionality while helping you understand the whys and hows of visitor behavior. The fact is, your site never reaches its maximum potential until it’s rigorously experimented with. Broadly the benefits of a CRO program can be categorized into two:
Improving marketing ROI
A well-structured and well-thought-out CRO program based on strong analysis can go a long way in improving return on almost all your marketing activities by:

Improving the quality/speed of experiments run on your website: CRO allows you to analyze the performance of your site by running tests and look for the best possible variations which promise conversions. By experimenting with different elements on your landing pages, you can not only check the areas which are giving the best results but also use the gathered data as a fundamental benchmark for your next round of tests/experimentations.

Better revenue with the same traffic/incremental business returns: One of the prime benefits of running a CRO campaign is that every change you implement on your site, which eventually increases your conversions, is an incremental win for your business.

For instance, an online eCommerce company planning to enhance its customer experience in a way that it makes purchasing products easy and convenient for its customers can immensely benefit from CRO. How?

By running an A/B test, if it’s able to enhance its conversion rate even by 3%, it means that it’s getting 3% extra revenue day in and day out. Meanwhile, if it has a high volume of sales, 3% improvement can effectively translate its sales into hundreds and thousands of extra dollars for its business

Australian-based eCommerce company ShowPo saw a 6.09% increase in its revenue by running a series of A/B tests and introducing new improved variants on its product pages!

Enhancing UX

Benefits of a CRO program spread well across just marketing ROI to give an improved user experience across all lifecycle stages of a visitor whether they’re a first time visitor or they’re a customer through:

A. Personalizing experience for your site visitors: In today’s time, visitors are too impatient. Unless you’re offering them a site that’s easy to navigate with fewer clicks and make the entire process an easy breeze, they won’t stick around and will eventually look for alternative options. By helping personalize sections of your site based on the visitors’ geography, device, local time or past browsing history, you can make the website that much more relevant to them.

B. Better isights into your visitor behavior: The CRO process begins with understanding customer behavior through tools like heatmaps and clickmaps. Such tools tell you which site sections visitors spend more time on. Other CRO tools, such as user session recordings and session replays, help understand their overall experience. They shed light on the exact journey visitors took to accomplish a set goal on your website and even highlight the friction areas that caused them to drop off and abandon your site. Meanwhile, form analytics and website surveys also help understand a visitor’s overall site-wide experience. Such qualitative data is enough to create a good UX, further pave the way for conversions.

My service in detail

Landing page design

Landing page design is the first and foremost element that defines the brand positioning, usability and success of a website. The more appealingly designed a site is, the more traction it will get!

Website copy

While a well-designed and appealing website can get more website traffic flowing on your site, words can verbally hook your visitors and convert them into potential leads. Writing relevant and engaging content that emphasizes the product’s persuasiveness can make the difference between visitors staying on your website and taking the necessary actions and visitors leaving your site without taking any action.


A call-to-action (CTA) is exactly what it sounds – a request or call for customers to take the desired action. This action could be anything – from subscribing to a newsletter to booking a slot in a webinar, making a purchase, availing a service, and so on. The stronger and crispier the CTA, the more leads it can generate.

Navigation and site structure

Your site’s structure must focus on building an experience that’s easy to navigate. Site structure, at its core, is typically a graph of how different pages of your site interact with each other. Although every site is different and has different navigations, this hierarchy style is a standard example.


Forms are crucial to most companies, especially if they’re a part of their sales funnel. Optimising these important customer touchpoints can extensively help improve the conversion rate. While many theories follow on how to build a good and effective form for your website, these may or may not work equally for all. In some cases, having a comprehensive form may work wonders, while in many other cases, concise forms may just be enough to get the conversions going up the graph. 

The secret ingredient here is to always maintain a balance between lead quality and volume of leads that gets the best ROI.

Page speed

Page speed or page load time has a huge impact on the overall performance of your site. In fact, it directly affects the experience of a user, the conversion rate of the site, and its ranking on the search engine. 

According to a blog published by Semrush, if a site loads in 1.7 seconds, it’s comparatively faster than 75% of the web. While on the other hand, if it loads in 0.8 seconds, it’s faster than nearly 94% of the web.

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