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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

and what SEO means for your business

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves achieving the highest position or ranking for your website in the natural or organic listings (Google, Bing, etc) as the main body of the search engine results pages (SERPS) across a range of specific combinations of keywords (or keyphrases) entered by search engine users.

My aim is to identify which keywords and keyphrases are valuable for your business, then use them strategically across digital platforms.

I offer a full digital marketing service, I am an SEO expert who can give your business a competitive advantage through SEO.

Benefits of Search Engine Optimisation to your business

  • SEO – Improves website speed as this is one of Google’s core vital requirements

  • SEO – Leads to better user experience
  • SEO – Is a primary source of leads
  • SEO – Generates new customers that would not normally find you
  • SEO – Results to higher conversion rate, because visitors find what they are looking for
  • SEO – Promotes better cost management
  • SEO – Encourages local users to visit the physical store after the search
  • SEO – Builds brand credibility
  • SEO – Helps establish brand awareness
  • SEO – Ensures mobile-friendliness of your website
  • SEO – Can Be a long-term marketing strategy
  • SEO – Helps you gain market share
  • SEO – Gives you a competitive advantage

How search engine algorithms work

With the amount of information available on the internet growing by the minute, finding what you need would be nearly impossible without some help sorting through it. Search engine ranking systems are designed to do just that: sort through hundreds of billions of web pages to find the most relevant, useful results in a fraction of a second, and present them in a way that helps you find what you’re looking for, in  search engine results pages (SERPS).

These ranking systems are made up of not one, but a whole series of algorithms. To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors, including the words of your query, relevance, speed the website loads, the usability of pages, the expertise of sources, and your location and settings. The weight applied to each factor varies depending on the nature of your query – for example, the freshness of the content plays a bigger role in answering queries about current news topics than it does about dictionary definitions.

My SEO service in detail

Core vitals and technical website audit

– Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
– First Input Delay (FID)
– Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

These are the three Core Web Vitals that Google is encouraging all website owners to keep track of and improve in order to serve a better user experience. If you don’t address your site’s Core Web Vitals, your site may experience;
– Loss of visibility
– Decreased of traffic from search
– Drop-in sales
– Decrease content consumption
– Lower brand awareness.

My technical expertise modifies your website code to meet the standards required by Google

Keyword analysis

– Customer Persona’s
– Keyword research
– Descriptive URLs
– Page titles
– Meta descriptions
– Website architecture

SEO strategy starts with the target audience and dives deeper into understanding your brand’s expertise and unique value proposition. Keyword research is great at uncovering how people talk about topics relevant to your brand.

By developing customer persona’s for insight and use sophisticated software to analysis competitors website for kewords and traffic

Website content analysis

– Service, credibility and marketing content
– Content optimisation
– Good user experience (UX)
– Strong calls to action
– Structured data markup

Content is king. Your website is really just a platform for your content. Your content tells prospects what you do, where you do it, who you have done it for, and why someone should use your business. Your content should also go beyond these obvious brochure-type elements and help your prospective customers achieve their goals.

I design a program that delivers the right content with tangible added value, using the appropriate digital platform

Off-site authority building analysis

Building your website authority, in large part, involves link building. Links are a crucial component to developing strong organic rankings; however, links can be the hardest part of SEO to get right. You should look for link that should be linked and add value to the user.
Only link content that should be connected

Back Link Directories

Claiming your business listing in Google My Business and Bing Places for Business can boost your SEO considerably, so it’s important to do so. There are dozens of directories and review sites where you should list and claim your business. Search engines love these, and it will definitely work in your favor as long as they are relevant to your business.
Google My Business | Bing Places for Business

Ongoing reports, reviews and maintenance

Reports showing status of your SEO progress will help determine if the strategy is working well or if it needs some tweaks. Periodic keyword review and analysis should be conducted to ensure they are still working to your advantage.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure

Read my customer reviews

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